Sunday, March 14, 2010

Truth Syrum 'Why we look at our neighbours' cassette


TS is one of my favourite artists, discovered listening to the night people tape in a car driving out to lilydale hills. I know very little about it but it's a solo dude. Opens with a weird piece "cancer for the children cancer for the kids" he repeats to himself incessantly over a nice rhythmic loop. This fades into a psych guitar jam, its as though we come in late to the jam but it itself only lasts a minute. He gets fantastic harsh sounds out of his guitar, the mellow sounding Maple Fugue is warm and fuzzy and it starts to feel intimate. The mysterious player is dissecting his ideas and music in a intriguing way, twisted its all desperately real. Singing turns Maple Fugue into a lullably before the guitar breaks up and the singing becomes some kind of trumpet, the main motif is then slightly altered and repeated, one of the tricks of Truth Syrum. A lot of what he does too is real catchy. Manages to be playful and serious at the same time, such a beautiful tape i hope there is another chapter. $$9

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